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Debunking Common Myths About Solar Systems

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When you have finally decided to invest in solar energy, you will come across various myths about solar systems passed on as general knowledge. Most of these myths emanate from fossil fuel companies and consumers who are afraid of change, so the worst you can do is believe them. To keep you informed, this post demystifies the top four myths about solar systems. 

Myth 1: Solar Panels Damage a Roof

This is false. A solar panel won't damage your roof as long as it's installed by a professional solar contractor who knows what they are doing. For this reason, avoid hiring local handymen or DIYing your solar panel installation if you're not an expert.

Professional solar contractors will install your solar panel following the manufacturer's guidelines. If your roof has a warranty, it will remain active even after the installation. That said, if your roof is already damaged or is nearing its lifespan end, you may consider re-roofing or replacing it before installing a solar panel. 

Myth 2: Solar Power Is Expensive

This no longer true. Over the last few years, solar installation costs have dramatically reduced, making it affordable to the average homeowner. Besides, when you consider that solar systems have a long lifespan, you stand to gain a lot from electricity bill savings. 

Additionally, the United States government offers a 26% tax credit for solar and wind energy systems to encourage more people to embrace renewable systems. Take advantage of such incentives to reduce the taxes owed to the government.   

Myth 3: Solar Systems Don't Work on Cloudy or Cold Days

Most people think solar systems only work when it's warm and sunny, but nothing could be further from the truth. Generally, solar panels don't need direct sunlight to produce electricity, so they will still function even on cloudy and foggy days. Of course, the performance may be a little lower compared to hot and sunny days. 

Concerning temperatures, solar panels have been proven to be more efficient during cold days. Expect your solar system to perform best during winters. 

Myth 4: Solar Panels Are Fragile

This myth only applies when you buy low-quality solar equipment. Solar panels from recognized manufacturers are high quality and sturdy. In fact, most manufacturers offer you a 10–12-year warranty for protection against manufacturing faults and a 25-year warranty against performance losses. They wouldn't offer these warranties if their products were fragile. 

Besides, once the solar panels are fixed on the roof, there are no constant movements. This reduces the risk of mechanical wear. Your solar system will serve you for many years without the need for repairs. 

Contact a residential solar company to learn more.
